
The Grove Grovellers

The Grovellers meet every Sunday morning from October to March and play in the region of 25 games per season. Players currently range in age from 27 to 70+, and play friendly association rules football against such sides as Aspendos, Canterbury Dynamo, Tenterden Expendables & Whitstable Town Vets.  2023 is The Grovellers 50th anniversary season, celebrated with the introduction of a Grovellers Masters (over 45) Team, playing in the inaugural Kent Masters Conference League

The Grovellers have always sought to do more than just play football, and the traditions of quizzes, curry nights, presentation evenings, friendly cricket matches, tours, scratch cards and supporting & sponsoring Folkestone Invicta FC continue to endure; alongside gatherings in the bar to watch games on Sky Sports.

The Saltwood Boxing Day run has introduced a new event on the social calendar and every season completes with the renowned International Football Fiesta, 8 senior teams, on one day, competing for the coveted shield.

As Manager Andy Boorman says, ‘Grovellers is proper grass roots football, what is important is the team spirit, the team ethic.’

football at The Grove Hythe Kent football at The Grove Hythe Kent football at The Grove Hythe Kent

Other Teams

In 2023 we welcomed The Hythe Bay Masters, and two Ashford Sunday League teams, Hythe Albion and The Balance Bar, who will play home games at The Grove on alternate Sundays.
Hythe & Lyminge Age UK Walking Football Team also train at our ground, 10.30am – 12noon on Wednesdays.  Contact 01303 269602 to join a Walking Football Session.